
Wineaux, Wine and Travel

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So many fine wines so little time. Price isn’t everything.

Find the best stuff you love at the best price, make it a search and find.  So much fun to play.

Living in wine country we can tell you pricing is just a game.  Sure some of the handpicked and super labor intensive wines will cost more money but there are so many great wines out there at fabulous prices.

What is the best wine?  The one YOU enjoy the most.  Guess what your palate will change so enjoy what you love today and experience new wines tomorrow.  The fun never ends when you play the enjoy what you like and find great prices game.

Go on tours, listen to the winemaker and host, find the flavors, enjoy!

We lived in wine country and I sold wine in Hollywood for a distributor with a fabulous portfolio.  I had to learn the wines (lots of research…drinking each one).

Just like golf courses I’ve found that many winery locations are in the most beautiful spots to visit.  The vines set the tone and the more hills the better, beauty and the more stressed out and flavorful the grapes….edit more here


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